The Five Myths Are
* In organic churches, nothing is organized and everything is spontaneous. Not so. Just as a physical body has a specific expression and contains organization, so do organic churches. The members plan and arrange when and how they meet. Such planning is completely consistent with spiritual life. God Himself plans and arranges.
* An organic church has no leadership. Not so. Leadership comes from every member of the body at different times. Different people lead according to their different gifts and ministries. In the organic church, all are priests, ministers, and functioning parts of the body just as the New Testament teaches. Leadership is open, participatory, and fluid.
* Organic church is the same thing as post-church. Not so. Organic churches can be visited. They meet in real locations on a regular basis. They aren’t ghost churches. (Click here to read a critique of the post-church view.)
* Organic churches always meet in homes. Not so. While organic churches do not own or possess “sacred” religious buildings, they can meet in any location. Whether a home, coffee shop, clubhouse, park, rented building, etc.
* Organic church is a movement. Not so. It’s not a “movement.” Movements are unified and they are very large. The interest in “organic church” today is small compared to the big movements today (like the Neo-Reformed movement, the Charismatic movement, etc.). Also it’s not unified at all. Many Christians use the word “organic church” to describe very different expressions of church, even institutional forms of church are now being called “organic.”